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Forest Path

Integrating Virtue &
Flourishing in
Mental Healthcare


The Albert & Jessie Danielsen Institute


Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders


This APA psychotherapy training video offers therapists practical guidance in engaging character strengths and virtues in their psychotherapy practice, shifting the focus beyond the alleviation of symptoms alone.

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This mixed-method study used longitudinal mixture modeling to identify clients showing gains in relational virtue engagement over time, and then conducted in-depth interviews. 

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This study used a mixed-method design to explore the diverse places that clients draw meaning and hope from, and how it relates to their well -being. 

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Handbook of Pos Psych, Rel, & Spir.JPG

This chapter explores the salience of a virtue focus as part of culturally responsive mental healthcare, including the interplay between client strengths and religion/spirituality.

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This news article describes the dual-factor approach to mental health, reviewing evidence for how psychotherapy is more than just about knowing oneself and can play an important role in strengthening character.

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This practice-based study of psychotherapy clients used group-based trajectory modeling to examine the relationship between cultural humility and well-being as well as if differentiation predicted growth in cultural humility. 

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This paper synthesizes empirical evidence for positive psychology, virtue, and flourishing interventions, and explores a dual treatment focus in psychotherapy on symptom reduction and cultivating    well-being. 

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This longitudinal practice-based study of psychotherapy clients revealed how growth in humility corresponded to symptom reduction and increased well‐being through emotion regulation capacities. 

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This qualitative focus-group study elucidates therapist perspectives on the challenges, opportunities, and barriers to attending to clients' strengths and well-being in the U.S. healthcare system.

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What does it mean to flourish in life and relationships?

Can psychotherapy help people develop strengths, virtues, and well-being?

Get Involved

You are eligible to participate if you are a therapist or trainee working with least five clients weekly. Participants will receive $150 compensation, as well as a personalized analysis of session themes.

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